Check In Form

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Has Your Address Changed Since Your Last Visit?
Would You Like to Remain Curbside Today?
Our lobby is CLOSED. Curbside or not, we will come outside and escort you into a room if you choose to come inside with your pet.
Are There Any Peanut Allergies in Your Household?
For canine patients, we may use peanut butter to help win your pet over as a part of our Fear Free approach.
How many pets are you bringing today?
Do you have insurance for your pet(s)?
Reason For Visit
Check all that apply
Is Your Pet On Any Medications and/or Preventions Currently?
EX: Ostimax, Apoquel, Heartgard, Simparica TRIO
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
EX: Pictures, previous history or blank insurance forms, etc.
If We Take Pictures Today, May We Use Them For Our Own Social Media or Marketing?
The undersigned also understands that all services are to be paid in total when the pet(s) is/are discharged unless prior arrangements are made. The owner or agent promises to pay such total, together with any other charges, finance and/or collection, due thereon. A written estimate will be furnished upon request. Forms of payment accepted include Cash, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, ScratchPay, or Care Credit. Personal checks are not accepted as a form of payment.
As part of your consultation, Animal Hospital of Lake Villa uses an AI system to record and transcribe the session. This recording is used for the following purposes:
  • Accurate documentation of your pet's medical history.
  • Quality assurance and improvement of our services.
  • Enhancing the communication between clients and our veterinary team.
By proceeding with your consultation, you agree to the use of AI recording and transcription as described. Your privacy is important to us, and all recordings are stored securely in accordance with our data protection policies.
AI Recording Acknowledgement
Clear Signature

Animal Hospital of Lake Villa
101 S. Milwaukee Ave.
Lake Villa, IL 60046

Phone: (847) 356-8387
Text: (847) 356-8387
Fax: (847) 558-2606

Premier Veterinary Group
Emergency: (847) 548-5300